Flyers & Leaflets
Flyers make light work of spreading the word for your clients and they’re still one of the most cost-effective marketing methods out there. Take advantage of our huge range of stock.

C-Fold Leaflet
Choose from 8 sizes and 3 different paper types

Creased Leaflets
Prevent cracking and save space with our creased leaflets! Arriving pre-creased and flat, all you have to do is fold them when you need them. Simply choose from our wide range of stocks and fold types to create the perfect leaflet for your customer.

Embellished Flyers
Flyers make light work of spreading the word for your clients and they’re still one of the most cost-effective marketing methods out there. Take advantage of our huge range of stocks and sizes to create the perfect flyer for your business.
Available sizes; A4, A5, A6, A7

Flyers make light work of spreading the word for you and they’re still one of the most cost-effective marketing methods out there. Take advantage of our huge range of stock.
Available sizes; A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, DL, A5 Slim, A4 Slim

Folded Leaflets
Whether it’s an informational pamphlet you’re making or a small pricing brochure, we’ve got something for you and your client. Choose from our different available fold types and a wide range of stocks to create the folded leaflet you need.

Perforated Flyers
Create professional tickets and forms for your clients using our perforated flyer range. For the classic ticket look, we can give you a DL flyer with a perforated line 70mm away from the right-hand edge. Or, for forms and other information, you might like a simple centre perforation, to neatly split flyers in half.
Available sizes: A4, A%, DL

Waterproof Flyers
Create durable flyers for your clients using our waterproof synthetic stock. This stock is great for clients who need to clean their print – such as restaurants wanting hygienic but reusable menus. Instead of buying disposable flyers over and over again, you can save money and reduce their carbon footprint!